Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship For SC students. Apply now!!!

All you need to know about the Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship for SC Students.

Government Post-matric Scholarship of India for SC Students is an initiative of the Maharashtra Government Department of Social Justice and Special Aid for Grade 10. Neo-Buddhist SC student from Maharashtra. Selected students will receive many benefits.


1) Provide financial aid to students.
2) Financial support for studies.
3) Reduce the dropout rate.
4) Create a passion for higher education.
5) To provide opportunities for students to participate in mainstream education through education.
6) Scholarship scheme to avoid transparency, coordination, and delay.
7) Benefits of Tuition Fees, Exam Fees, and Maintenance Allowance are paid to only SC category students.
8) Candidate family income should be less than or equal to 2,50,000/


1) Parent/guardian's annual income must be less than or equal to Rs 2,50,000.
2) Student category must be in Scheduled Group or Navbuddha
3) Student must be a resident of Maharashtra
4) Students must have SSC/Matric equivalent.
5) Failed: If students fail the first time, they will be entitled to exam fees and maintenance allowance. If you fail the second time in the same class, you will not be eligible and after two dropouts, you will pass and move to the next class to be eligible.
6) In the case of a student studying outside of Maharashtra, the same rules apply under GOI.
7) Only 2 professional courses are authorized.


Under this program, eligible SC/Neo-Buddhist students will receive the below benefits.

1) Maintenance allowance provided in Group I, Group II, Group III, and Group IV per month from the date of admission to the date of examination (up to 10 months)

Day Scholar: (Amount in rupees per month )
  • Group I 550
  • Group II 530
  • Group III 300
  • Group IV 230
Hotels (amount in rupees per month)
  • Group I 1200
  • Group II 820
  • Group III 570
  • Group IV 380
2) Supplemental allowance for SC students with disabilities (wise type disability) as mentioned in GR as follows,

Disability Allowance (Rs per month) Note
  • Person Blind / Low vision Grp I & II - 150/
  • Grp III - 125/
  • Grp IV - 100 / According to RG(A) additional allowance
Leprosy cured All groups:

i) Travel allowance up to 100 RS (Students living outside the dormitory)
ii) Escort allowance 100RS
iii) Special salary allowance for dormitory staff as caregivers. 100 RS According to GR (B, C, D) additional allowance

Hearing-impaired All groups:

i) Travel allowance up to 100 RS (Students residing outside the dormitory campus)

Allowance Additional under GR (B)

Musculoskeletal Disability All Group:

i) Travel allowance up to 100 RS(Students residing outside the dormitory)

Under GR (B) allowance

Delay Intellectual development / Mental illness All groups:

i) Travel allowance up to 100 RS(Students residing outside the dormitory campus)

ii) Escort allowance 100 RS

iii) Extras special salary for dormitory staff as guardians. 100 RS

iv) Additional training allowance 150 RS By GR (B, C, D, E) allowance

Orthopedic disability All groups:

i) Travel allowance up to 100 RS (Students) residing outside the dormitory)

ii) Escort Allowance 100 RS

iii) Special salary allowance for inn housekeepers. 100 RS According to GR (B, C, D) allowances

3) In addition to the maintenance allowance, all required fees/mandatory fees, i.e. (tuition, exam fees, and other fees) by students at institutions covered under this plan.

Documents Required:
  • Income Certificate(Provided by Tahsildar)
  • Cast Certificate.
  • Mark sheet for last appeared examination
  • Mark sheet for SSC or HSC
  • Father date Certificate(if required)
  • Gap & Self Declaration(if required)
  • Hostel Certificate (if required)
  • Husband Income Certificate(if a girl is married)
Application link:
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